Please note Vedic (sidereal) Sun Sign dates are not the same as in Western astrology. It is best to read for your Vedic rising sign if you know it. If you do not know it you can calculate your free Vedic chart here. Please keep in mind your individual chart and current planetary period and sub periods will modify your experience.
April 27 Full Moon Forecast
Moon forecasts will be moved to Patreon some time in May! Please email me at pamelamcdonough@comcast.net if you would like to be notified when this new option will be available! Anyone who has donated to me for my forecasts during 2021, will be given a complimentary 6 months once things are up and running. There will be a lot more besides new and full Moon forecasts on my Patreon page. Stay tuned! Thank you in advance for your continued support - your contributions will allow me to continue to take time from my schedule to write these detailed forecasts for you and keep annoying advertising off my site!
April 11 New Moon in Revati Nakshatra
This is your one new Moon is Pisces for 2021! That said, this particular new Moon occurs at sunset (on the west coast of the US) and at the very end of the sign. This new Moon is better suited to new beginnings connected to the second house of family, speech, savings and food, instead of the first house of the self.
To add to the new Moon in the second house, Sun, Mercury and Venus are all going to pile into your second house of Aries and will place an additional emphasis on the matters I mentioned in the first part of your forecast. Sun is exalted and your daily routine will be very busy and filled with a lot of comings and goings, family, and hard work associated with building your assets and savings. If you are a teacher or self employed individual who utilizes written an spoken word for your work, the last two weeks of April will be especially powerful for you.
Set your intentions as the Moon wanes through Sunday evening and then put your plans into place Monday morning!
Venus Emerges as the Evening Star Forecast by Rising Sign
Jupiter in Aquarius Forecast by Rising sign
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Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.
Or you can calculate your Vedic birth chart on this page
© Pamela McDonough - no part of this website can be copied
"As someone who began their astrological journey in Western astrology and then transitioned into Vedic astrology, I share many key differences in this book between the two systems so that anyone familiar with Western astrology but is also interested in learning about Jyotish can easily and quickly begin their journey with this book and establish a strong foundation for future learning." - Pamela