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🇺🇸 America’s Karmic Turning Point: The November 1 New Moon 🌑 and 2024 Election 🗳️ Insight

Writer's picture: Pamela McDonough Pamela McDonough

In This Special Edition:

🔮 The New Moon & Election Week: Planetary Insights & Rising Sign Guidance

I explore how the powerful combination of Mars, Pluto, and the New Moon shapes collective energies during this historic moment in this article. Discover both the broader and more narrow planetary dynamics interact, and how these planetary influences uniquely affect your rising sign.

  • Astrological Deep Dive: Understanding Mars, Pluto, and the New Moon's convergence during this pivotal week

  • Rising Sign Guidance: Navigate this transformative time with personalized insights for all 12 ascendants Jump to this section now


November 1 New Moon Special Edition: Astrological Insights for Historic Times

My usual deep dive into the monthly New Moon influence is typically directed toward personal insights. Since November's New Moon is so close to the date of the United States presidential election, I wanted to offer something that might help support you through the final days leading up to the election November 5, since this is such an intense time for many!

This analysis examines the astrological patterns and energies at play during this historical presidential election. I am focusing purely on the astrology of the current planetary influences and their interpretations. As always, my role is to illuminate the planetary weather patterns, leaving you to navigate your own path.

While I usually focus on traditional Vedic planetary influences, the magnitude of this moment calls for examining powerful outer planets as well.

Primordial Pluto and a very cranky Mars (in Cancer) are significantly engaged with the New Moon. As one of the three "outer planets", Pluto casts a wide net and exerts a long-lasting impact, affecting entire generations collectively. I thought it was critical to examine this powerful New Moon dynamic against the backdrop of the birth chart of the United States, even though the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) are not commonly taken into account in traditional Vedic astrology.

On average Pluto can take up to 28 years to move through 30 degrees of one zodiac sign.

Let's explore how this profound Plutonian energy interacts with America's natal chart and what this Mars, Pluto, and New Moon combination might reveal about our collective journey during this pivotal moment in history. Here we go...

Keep looking up!



Lunar Lowdown: New Moon & Election 2024 - America at the Crossroads

Chart: New Moon in Libra (15°23') - November 1, 2024, 5:46 AM PT, Seattle WA Key features: T-Square formation between debilitated Mars, transformative Pluto, and the Libra New Moon
Vedic Sidereal chart for November 1, 2024 New Moon at 5:46 AM PT in Seattle WA, showing T-Square between Mars in Cancer, Pluto in Capricorn, and Sun/Moon conjunction in Libra

Power Shift: The Libra New Moon Call to Transform

🌑 Timing

  • Date: November 1, 2024

  • Time: 5:46 AM Pacific Time

  • Degree: 15°23' Sidereal Libra

Key Configurations

  • Primary Aspect: Mars in Cancer (debilitated) aspecting Sun/Moon

  • Power Dynamic: Pluto-Mars Opposition

  • Critical Formation: T-Square between Mars, Pluto, Sun and Moon

The cosmos isn't being subtle with this New Moon in Swati nakshatra - with an extraordinarily powerful T-Square (I explain the T-Square next!) formation between major planetary forces creating a dynamic tension that catalyzes profound change, both personally and collectively.

*Note - if you have rising degree or planet in the 13°-17° degree range of either Libra, Capricorn, Aries or Cancer, this New Moon will mark a significant period of transformation for you!


Planetary Powers at Play: The T-Square Dynamic

Road warning sign reimagined as astrological diagram: a yellow diamond with black T-intersection showing Pluto, Mars, and Sun/Moon positions in the November 2024 New Moon T-square configuration
🚦 Cosmic Crossroads: The T-Square Simplified - Pluto, Mars, and the New Moon create a powerful intersection

Cosmic Counterpoints: The New Moon, Primordial Pluto and Moody Mars

The Sun and New Moon receive intense influences from Pluto and Mars (as shown in the New Moon chart in the previous section). In western astrology, this powerful planetary combination creates what's called a T-square.

Imagine a cosmic T-intersection—a point where multiple forces converge, interact, and where pivotal decisions must be made.

The New Moon receives a square influence from both Pluto and Mars. The New Moon receives a square influence from both Pluto and Mars creating a T-square (basically two 90 degree angles that join in the middle). Think of the T-square aspect like an intersection where three roads meet. Imagine you're driving straight ahead and suddenly reach an intersection—you cannot keep going straight. You have to stop and make a sharp right or sharp left turn. You are forced to decide which direction to go, right or left, as there is no option to continue on straight. A sense of urgency arises as you decide which path to take.

Much like being at a crossroad, squares in astrology represent a time when two or more areas of life/planetary energies create tension to get our attention! These influences require you to pause, assess, and decide which way you are going to turn. And it's not always a smooth journey! It's a turning point that challenges you to take action, shift your approach, or change direction to overcome obstacles and find balance, especially with the New Moon in Libra, which is symbolized by the scales.

Additionally, Pluto and Mars will be vying for your attention! Think of Mars as the road to the right and Pluto as the road to the left. These planetary influences do not harmonize or intersect! Mars is exceptionally moody as it moves through watery and emotional Cancer—it's least favorite zodiac sign. While Pluto in sidereal Capricorn wants ALL the power, sending its vibrations to the New Moon.

This powerful configuration creates a planetary crossroads! The New Moon's energy of fresh starts and intentions stands between Mars's emotional impulsivity and Pluto's demand for control. Like a driver at that three-way intersection, you may feel the tension as you're forced to choose. Will you follow Mars's path of emotional expression and personal assertion, or take Pluto's route of intense transformation and power plays? There's no neutral option here—the squares demand action!

But remember, while this celestial crossroads may feel intense, it also presents an opportunity for profound growth. By consciously choosing your direction rather than being pushed by these powerful forces, you can harness this challenging energy to catalyze meaningful change in your life.

While this T-square formation impacts everyone globally, its alignment with key points in America's natal chart makes it particularly significant for the United States during this electoral period.


2024 Election & the New Moon: America's Networks at a Karmic Crossroads

Vedic Sidereal chart for the USA - July 4,1776, 6:30PM Philadelphia, PA, showing New Moon in Libra
Vedic Sidereal chart for the USA - July 4,1776, 6:30PM Philadelphia, PA, showing New Moon in Libra

 🛣️ Cosmic Counterpoints: Navigating the Mars-Pluto Crossroads

When examined within the United States chart, this unique and dynamic T-square of Mars and Pluto with the New Moon at the apex points directly to America's interconnected networks of power. Both our economic systems and social fabric are illuminated—highlighting how our collective values shape our shared prosperity.

At the heart of this configuration lies a powerful placement: When examined within United States chart, this unique and dynamic T-square of Mars and Pluto with the New Moon at the apex points directly to America's relationship with power. Both internally and with other nations—while illuminating our collective values and the nation's shared economic destiny.

The New Moon occurs within the 11th house of the US chart placing an exclamation point on society's collective hopes, social movements, and the will of the American people. These networks serve as channels through which both gains and losses flow through our society, especially now since social media is so influential globally.

This placement becomes even more significant because the United States has reached a critical political intersection with a clear sign - we cannot continue with business as usual. With Mars and Pluto in nearly an exact opposition at the time of the New Moon, we are compelled to confront deep-seated questions about our shared path forward.

Adding another layer of cosmic significance, the New Moon at 15°23' Libra forms an additional, nearly exact T-square with the USA natal chart nodal axis (Rahu at 15:51 Cancer and Ketu at 15:51 Capricorn). This creates another powerful karmic crossroad where our established networks and systems of gain (11th house) intersect with our collective karmic journey. Especially since the USA is currently in the main planetary period (mahadasha) of Rahu. The T-square precision emphasizes the profound nature of this New Moon.


Karmic Crossroads: Mercury, Rahu & America's Moment of Truth

Communication Networks & Social Truth: Mercury-Rahu's Karmic Message for America

The Rahu-Mercury cycle the US is currently in (until March 2026) highlights natal Rahu and Mercury (retrograde) in the 8th house of the US chart. This sows the potential for confusion, secrets, and miscommunication that can influence the public's perception during this New Moon.


The 8th house connection plus the Meercury/Rahu placement in the US chart points to hidden information and adds to the disinformation theme signficantly when activated. Navigating this period requires careful attention to the validity of information shared, especially online and through social networks (11th house).

Mercury as the current sub-period lord (bhukti) and ruler of the 10th house adds another crucial layer to this election timing.


The 10th house in the US chart speaks directly to:

  • National leadership and executive power—think President and administration

  • America's reputation on the world stage

  • How we govern and the impact of our policies

With Mercury retrograde (7th and 10th lord) activated in the US chart during this Mercury planetary sub-period, we're likely to see significant shifts in how leadership, authority, and our nation's direction are perceived and expressed.

The irony of the Harris campaign slogan "We're not going back" while the United States chart is experiencing a Mercury retrograde sub-period perfectly captures the nation's tension between forward-looking rhetoric and the necessity to revisit and resolve past issues—a key theme of this New Moon activation!

🌟 2024 Election & New Moon: America's Economic & Social Networks at a Karmic Crossroads

The natal nodes, representing the the karmic axis in the birth chart and collective karma, become activated in a way that forces attention on the unresolved or unintegrated energies between detached (Ketu) and eternally hungry (Rahu). Given the intensity of the current political and social climate, this activation could manifest as a surge in collective awareness or confrontation with issues that the country has avoided or glossed over.

When the New Moon squares the natal nodes, it symbolizes a karmic turning point, where the nation faces choices that could significantly influence its future. For the US, this could mean the country is at a crossroads regarding its values, leadership, and societal structures—a time where unresolved issues from the past are surfaced and demand resolution.

Ketu in Capricorn highlights the nation’s karmic past related to authority, structures, and established systems. It brings forth unresolved issues tied to governance, societal hierarchies, and traditional institutions. Lessons from the past are resurfacing, demanding acknowledgment and resolution.

On the flip side, Rahu in Cancer and Pushya nakshatra pulls us toward a future focused on nurturing, compassion, and collective well-being. Cancer’s energy emphasizes home, family, and emotional security. Rahu here signifies the nation’s karmic growth lies in embracing empathy, unity, and care for all its people.

This nodal activation by the New Moon in the US chart deepens the impact of the Mars-Pluto opposition. With the New Moon in Swati Nakshatra (with its air element energy and adaptability), it is signaling that navigating these karmic lessons requires:

  • Openness to change and transformation

  • Flexibility in approach and perspective

  • Courage to confront uncomfortable truths

  • Balance between individual and collective destiny

This is a pivotal moment when ancestral patterns meet future possibilities—a clear signal that we cannot return to old ways. The lessons from the past that have yet to be fully integrated now demand our attention and resolution.

This will be a time when citizens of this country must to terms with profound questions about our collective direction, and take responsibility for what may come next and for generations to come, due to the collective choices made this November.


Power & Resources: Navigating America's Transformation

⚔️ Power Dynamics: Mars-Pluto's Challenge to America

The planetary powers precisely align across America's resource houses:

➡️ Mars transiting the US chart 8th house: Operates through sensitive Cancer's emotional lens

  • Turns up the heat around emotional volatility around the shared resources of the USA

  • Activates tensions around debt and power dynamics

⬅️ Pluto transiting the US chart 2nd house: Working through the perspective of authoritative Capricorn

  • Demands transformation of national values

  • Challenges financial structures and national debt

⬅️ ➡️ The Natal Karmic Axis square the New Moon in 11th house: Creating pressure for evolutionary change

  • Requires integration of past lessons connected to shared resources

  • Amplifying collective voice and social movements

Combined with New Moon in the 11th house, this trifecta of planetary influences stands at a critical intersection for the collective voice of the people. The New Moon and Sun become the apex of where two major planetary forces meet: Mars's emotional reactions around national budget and debt (8th house) coming from one direction, and Pluto's unyielding demand for complete transformation and control of national values (2nd house) approaching from another. Like traffic at a complex intersection, public will and social movements (11th house) must navigate carefully between these powerful opposing forces to chart their course forward.

America's Choice - Like a nation at a historical crossroads, we feel the tension as we're forced to choose during this election. This isn't merely another election cycle - it's a pivotal turning point in how America handles its resources and values—especially with the New Moon in Libra, seeking balance between individual wealth and collective needs.

There's no neutral ground when Mars and Pluto stand in exact opposition—these squares demand evolutionary action!


🇺🇸 Navigating America's Crossroads: Your Role in National Transformation

Your Role in National Transformation:

  • Balance Collective Forces: Honor both Mars in the 8th house (collective emotions about resources) and Pluto in the 2nd house (transformation of values)

  • Set Clear Intentions: Harness this New Moon in the 11th house to align public will with economic evolution

  • Trust Public Wisdom: Recognize that the collective voice (11th house) holds keys to resolving resource tensions (2nd/8th houses)

  • Act Mindfully: Make choices with awareness of how personal decisions ripple through collective outcomes

Remember: This activation of America's chart isn't just a challenge—it's an invitation to participate in national transformation. The economic and social choices we make now will echo through generations.

✨ Final Reflection - Questions:

  • How do you see this tension between personal resources, collective wealth, and public will playing out in our national dialogue?

  • How can you use this New Moon's energy of fresh starts and intention-setting to participate mindfully in this historic moment?

  • What role can you play in bridging these opposing forces?


Ascendant Advisory: Full Moon Astrology Forecast for Your Rising Sign

This New Moon in Swati nakshatra opens a portal for fresh starts, but also transformation. However, two more key planets are involved that shape this lunation: a challenging Pluto aspect and one from an unusually weakened Mars.

Important: Please read the Mars and Pluto section before reading your rising sign forecast. Understanding these planetary dynamics is crucial for navigating this lunar cycle.

A Note on Accuracy: These forecasts are created for your Vedic rising sign (ascendant), not your Western sun sign. To be accurate, use your Vedic birth chart for the forecast. Sidereal Vedic calculations differ from Western tropical charts. Not sure about your Vedic rising sign? Calculate your Vedic Birth free on my site to find your accurate placements for sidereal Vedic astrology.

♈ Aries Rising (Mesha): Relationships at the Crossroads

The New Moon in your 7th house of partnerships puts committed romantic relationships and business partnerships in the spotlight.

⚡ Key Planetary Forces Intersections:

➡️ Mars in Cancer (4th house): Your chart ruler Mars brings heightened sensitivity to home and peace of mind, though navigating emotional security may feel challenging

⬅️ Pluto in Capricorn (10th house): Demands transformation in your career or public role

⬆️ New Moon in Libra (7th house): Places partnerships at the crucial turning point

🌟 The T-Square's Message:

This lunation brings dynamic tension between your need for partnership harmony vs emotional security at home vs career demands, highlighting the challenge of balancing relationships within both personal and professional realms.

✨ Swati's Influence:

Swati nakshatra and Libra's wind element is blowing through your house of relationships, creating tension between emotional foundations vs career/public demands, domestic harmony vs public recognition, and your need for both nurturing and achievement.

🌑 Your New Moon Guidance:

During this New Moon, channel Swati's gift for harmonious communication to write down your relationship intentions. Find ways to honor both your sensitive inner world and outer ambitions. Like Saraswati's flowing wisdom, let your partnerships guide you through this transformative time... staying adaptable while maintaining your core truth.

♉ Taurus (Vrishabha): Transformation at the Crossroads

The New Moon in your 6th house of daily routines and health is in the new Moon spotlight.

⚡ Key Planetary Forces Intersections:

➡️ Mars in Cancer (3rd house): Pulls you toward communication, siblings, and courage

⬅️ Pluto in Capricorn (9th house): Demands transformation and examination of your relationship with your father (past or present), your philosophies, spirituality and higher learning

⬆️ New Moon in Libra (6th house): Being of service to others and health may be at a crucial turning point

🌟 The T-Square's Message:

This powerful juncture can create tension between daily routines vs spiritual needs vs courage, highlighting how practical wisdom can transform both routine tasks and spiritual growth.

✨ Swati's Influence:

The new Moon in Swati's influences your ability to find a new path to wellness, weaving together daily practices with higher learning, practical communication with spiritual wisdom, and physical health with philosophical growth.

🌑 Your New Moon Guidance:

In this sacred New Moon moment, allow Saraswati's gifts of knowledge to transform your daily routines into healing routines and rituals. Her artistic wisdom elevates ordinary tasks to acts of devotion... while Swati's energy for fresh starts helps you create new, meaningful patterns of service.

♊ Gemini (Mithuna): Resources at the Crossroads

The New Moon in your 5th house of creativity, joy and children puts your self-expression in the spotlight.

⚡ Key Planetary Forces Intersections:

➡️ Mars in Cancer (2nd house): Brings emotional uncertainty around assets and personal values, making financial security feel more challenging

⬅️ Pluto in Capricorn (8th house): Demands transformation in managing shared resources from romantic and/or business partnerships

⬆️ New Moon in Libra (5th house): Focus on creativity, joy and if you are a parent, your relationship might be at a turning point

🌟 The T-Square's Message:

These converging forces illuminate tension between creative expression vs personal resources vs shared resources. The new Moon brings awareness to how your artistic gifts can bridge individual values and collaborative prosperity.

✨ Swati's Influence:

The essence of Swati nakshatra supports your creative self-expression, weaving together your financial resources with shared ventures, creative collaboration with partnership opportunities, and creative inspiration with financial wisdom.

🌑 Your New Moon Guidance:

Sacred creative opportunities await in this New Moon's light. Saraswati's artistic gifts can transform how you share your talents and resources with others. Her wisdom supports innovative approaches to both personal worth and collaborative projects... while Swati's fresh energy helps launch ventures that blend creativity with prosperity. Leverage the new Moon energy in Swati nakshatra to begin a new creative project!

♋ Cancer (Karkata): Emotional Foundations at the Crossroads

The New Moon in your 4th house brings attention to matters at home and peace of mind. Since Moon is also your chart ruler, this lunation holds special significance for your personal journey.

⚡ Key Planetary Forces Intersections:

➡️ Mars in Cancer (1st house): Creates emotional intensity around identity and self-expression, yet can fuel transformative courage when channeled mindfully

⬅️ Pluto in Capricorn (7th house): Demands transformation in romantic partnerships and business relationships

⬆️ New Moon in Libra (4th house): The importance of home, relationship past or present with your mother and emotional security are at the apex of this new Moon energy

🌟 The T-Square's Message:

These intersecting energies produce tension between emotional authenticity vs partnership demands vs self confidence, bringing to light how your naturally sensitive soul navigates both personal and relational aspects of life.

✨ Swati's Influence:

Swati's nurturing wisdom supports your emotional foundations, weaving together home sanctuary with relationship dynamics, inner security with outer expression, and personal authenticity with partnership needs.

🌑 Your New Moon Guidance:

This foundational New Moon, can opens doors to emotional renewal. Saraswati's flowing grace supports your natural intuitive gifts as you create sacred space in both home and heart. Her harmonious presence helps balance your sensitive nature with partnership demands... while Swati's energy blesses your fresh start in emotional and relational realms.

♌ Leo (Simha): Courage and Communication at the Crossroads

The New Moon is in your 3rd house of communication and courage, along with your chart ruler (Sun) not so comfortable in Libra. This is a time for humble self-expression and balanced communication.

⚡ Key Planetary Forces Intersections:

➡️ Mars in Cancer (12th house): Pulls you toward inner reflection, spiritual practice, and processing emotions although there may be some blocks or frustration in accessing the subconscious mind

⬅️ Pluto in Capricorn (6th house): Demands transformation in daily work, routines and requires a close look at how these impact your wellbeing

⬆️ New Moon in Libra (3rd house): As your chart ruler Sun joins the New Moon, it illuminates new paths in couragoues actions, communication style, though your natural confidence may feel subdued or challenged during this time

🌟 The T-Square's Message:

These planetary forces generate dynamic tension between your need for clear communication vs inner spiritual work vs daily work, routines and obligations. Utilize the energy of the New Moon to discover your voice and allow your presence to manifest with fresh humility and clarity..

✨ Swati's Influence:

Swati and Libra's wind element is influencing your house of communication, creating tension between stepping back vs stepping up, natural leadership vs humble service, and your usual radiant expression vs a more measured and wise approach.

🌑 Your New Moon Guidance:

Harness Swati's connection to divine wisdom and creativity during this New Moon phase to set intentions - be sure to put them in writing! Find the balance between spiritual retreat with routine tasks. Let Saraswati's gifts of learning and eloquence guide a more measured approach... allowing your authentic voice to emerge with new grace.

♍ Virgo (Kanya) : Personal Values at the Crossroads

The New Moon in your 2nd house of personal assets and values are in the crosshairs of the New Moon.

⚡ Key Planetary Forces Intersections:

➡️ Mars in Cancer (11th house): Highlights earnings from your work and may pull you toward social connections, though emotions may run high now in these realms

⬅️ Pluto in Capricorn (5th house): Demands transformation in creativity, casual romance and relationship with children

⬆️ New Moon in Libra (2nd house): Personal resources, values and earnings are at the apex of these experiences

🌟 The T-Square's Message:

This celestial intersection can manifest tension between personal values vs creative expression vs group dynamics and social media connections, highlighting how your personal values shape both creativity and social connections.

✨ Swati's Influence:

Swati's disciplined nature supports your ability to define your personal values, weaving together individual worth with group dynamics, material security with creative expression, and personal priorities that can manifest through collaborations with groups or social networks.

🌑 Your New Moon Guidance:

As you set intentions under this New Moon's light, invoke Saraswati's discerning wisdom to clarify what truly matters. Her gifts of clear perception can help you distinguish between essential values and temporary concerns... while the supportive new Moon energy helps launch new financial goals and creative projects.

♎ Libra (Tula): Personal Identity at the Crossroads

The New Moon in your 1st house puts your identity and self-expression directly in the pathway of profound transformation. This is an especially powerful New Moon that signals a time of deep personal change.

⚡ Key Planetary Forces Intersections:

➡️ Mars in Cancer (10th house): Creates uncertainty around career direction and public reputation and visibility, with professional emotions feeling particularly intense and possibly unstable

⬅️ Pluto in Capricorn (4th house): Demands deep, non-negotiable transformation of your core foundation, emotional security and a desire for a home environment that fully reflects who you are

⬆️ New Moon in Libra (1st house): Your very sense of self and personal direction stand at the apex, calling for a complete re-imagining of who you want to become

🌟 The T-Square's Message:

This planetary threesome can create tension between your evolving identity vs emoitional foundation vs career path, underscoring how personal transformation ripples through both private and professional realms.

✨ Swati's Influence:

Swati's transformative power energizes your sense of identity, connecting self-discovery with professional evolution, inner renewal with outer expression, and personal authenticity with public presence.

🌑 Your New Moon Guidance:

This potent New Moon in your first house invites powerful new beginnings on a deeply personal level. Call upon Saraswati's artistic wisdom as you reimagine yourself. Her gifts of charisma and wisdom support your natural diplomatic skills... while Swati's winds of change carry you toward fresh expressions of your evolving identity. Stay flexible but don't let the breeze divert you from this profound journey of self-discovery!

♏ Scorpio (Vrishchika): Wisdom and Purpose at the Crossroads

The New Moon in your 12th house places inner processing through dreams, spiritual practice or meditation at the precipice of transformation. With your chart ruler Mars unhappy in Cancer, and forming a powerful opposition to transformative Pluto, this New Moon can be a time of profound spiritual progress. Pay close attention to your dreams for powerful insights around the New Moon time.

⚡ Key Planetary Forces Intersections:

➡️ Mars in Cancer (9th house): Your chart ruler struggles to express its usual fiery nature in these emotional waters, yet can open new pathways to spiritual growth through vulnerability

⬅️ Pluto in Capricorn (3rd house): Calls for deep transformation in how you communicate and connect, pushing you to find your authentic voice by embracing the courageous nature of Mars

⬆️ New Moon in Libra (12th house): Your subconscious mind and spiritual journey will illuminate the path between these powerful opposing forces

🌟 The T-Square's Message:

Tension between deeply subconscious patterns vs spiritual growth vs daily communication, emphasize how vulnerability can open new pathways for both inner wisdom and outer expression.

✨ Swati's Influence:

Swati's mystical essence illuminates your house of spiritual discovery, weaving together inner revelation with communication style, subtle knowing with clear expression, and personal wisdom with shared understanding.

🌑 Your New Moon Guidance:

The sacred moment of this New Moon beckons you toward deeper spiritual waters. Saraswati's profound wisdom guides your transformation through vulnerability into strength. Her gifts of divine knowledge support your spiritual journey... while Swati's energy inaugurates a new chapter in your inner exploration.

♐ Sagittarius (Dhanu): Community Networks and Earnings at the Crossroads

The New Moon in your 11th house places your income and social networks as the focus for transformation. Your ruling planet Jupiter encourages you to find broader meaning in these material matters.

⚡ Key Planetary Forces Intersections:

➡️ Mars in Cancer (8th house): Opens pathways for deeper understanding of shared resources, though emotions around joint financial matters with romantic or business partners may need gentle navigation

⬅️ Pluto in Capricorn (2nd house): Invites profound reflection on personal values and material security and how you use your personal power to attain financial security

⬆️ New Moon in Libra (11th house): Your role in groups and community networks stands at the apex, highlighting how collective connections may influence your prosperity

🌟 The T-Square's Message:

This cosmic crossroads generates tension between group dynamics vs personal resources vs shared assets, highlighting how your social connections influence both individual and collective prosperity.

✨ Swati's Influence:

Swati's expansive vision illuminates your house of collective connections, weaving together community wisdom with personal resources, social networks with inner security, and group prosperity with individual empowerment.

🌑 Your New Moon Guidance:

This abundance-drawing New Moon invites you to expand your horizons. Saraswati's gifts of higher knowledge can transform how you engage with both material and social wealth. Her artistic wisdom enriches your natural Jupitarian philosophical outlook... while Swati's supportive New Moon energy supports launching innovative ventures in both group and personal spheres.

♑ Capricorn (Makara): Personal Power and Recognition at the Crossroads

The New Moon in your 10th house lights up your career and public reputation/recognition in your chosen path. With your ruling planet Saturn watching over Promethean Pluto who pressures you to reshape your very identity, significant and profound personal and professional evolution are underway.

⚡ Key Planetary Forces Intersections:

➡️ Mars in Cancer (7th house): Wants to stimulate new pathways in partnerships, though relationships may require extra patience and emotional wisdom to navigate at this time

⬅️ Pluto in Capricorn (1st house): Guides a deep renewal of your identity and sense of purpose, asking you to embrace change while maintaining your core strength

⬆️ New Moon in Libra (10th house): Your professional life and public leadership stand at the apex, highlighting how personal transformation and your committed relationships shape your career path

🌟 The T-Square's Message:

This powerful configuration creates dynamic tension between your professional visibility vs partnership dynamics vs personal transformation. Your evolving identity profoundly influences both career path and current romantic relationships.

✨ Swati's Influence:

Swati's masterful presence illuminates your house of public recognition, weaving together professional authority with personal evolution, partnership dynamics with authentic leadership, and outer achievement with inner transformation.

🌑 Your New Moon Guidance:

At this pivotal New Moon, let Saraswati's wisdom guide your next professional chapter. Her gifts of clear vision support your natural talent for building lasting structures, while Swati's energy for new beginnings helps you step confidently into emerging leadership roles... balancing personal power with collaborative success.

♒ Aquarius (Kumbha): Dharma and Spirituality at the Crossroads

The New Moon in your 9th house illuminates your relationship with teachers father/father figures, while bringing transformation to your spiritual beliefs and higher learning path.

⚡ Key Planetary Forces Intersections:

➡️ Mars in Cancer (6th house): Pulls you toward daily busy work and service, although your health and routine may be unsettled or feel blocked

⬅️ Pluto in Capricorn (12th house): Demands profound transformation in your spiritual life and inner world and depths of your subconscious mind

⬆️ New Moon in Libra (9th house): Your religion or spirituality, foreign travel and higher education are at the apex of this T-square

🌟 The T-Square's Message:

This sacred alignment sparks tension between philosophical exploration vs daily service vs spiritual revelation, highlighting how mundane tasks can become gateways to higher wisdom.

✨ Swati's Influence:

The new Moon in Swati nakshatra imparts divine knowledge. Supporting your higher purpose, weaving together spiritual studies with daily service, philosophical exploration with inner revelation, and worldly wisdom with mystical understanding.

🌑 Your New Moon Guidance:

This very dharmic New Moon opens pathways to expanded consciousness. Saraswati's eternal wisdom supports your innovative vision for learning and growth. Swati's pioneering energy launches you into new territories of understanding, set your intentions at the New Moon!

♓ Pisces (Meena): Deep Transformation and Shared Resources at the Crossroads

The New Moon in your 8th house puts transformation, joint relationship assets, and profound change at the forefront of evolution. Your ruling planet Jupiter encourages you to find deeper meaning in these material and relationship matters.

⚡ Key Planetary Forces Intersections:

➡️ Mars in Cancer (5th house): Wants to pull you toward joy, creativity and romantic ideas though emotions around children or artistic expression may need gentle navigation

⬅️ Pluto in Capricorn (11th house): Demands profound transformation in how you engage with groups, social networks, and the income you earn through your career

⬆️ New Moon in Libra (8th house): Your and your partners shared economic resources and capacity for deep change are at the apex of these experiences

🌟 The T-Square's Message:

These transformative forces weave tension between creative expression vs group dynamics vs shared resources, highlighting how your artistic gifts can bridge personal joy and collective abundance.

✨ Swati's Influence:

Swati's mystical essence illuminates your house of transformation and shared resources, weaving together creative inspiration with career networks, artistic expression with prosperity, and personal gifts with collective abundance.

🌑 Your New Moon Guidance:

During this New Moon, embrace Swati's talent for bridging worlds. Write your intentions for transformation in both relationships and resources for this super supportive Swati New Moon. Your natural ability to flow between practical and spiritual realms mirrors Saraswati's wisdom. Let the gifts of Swati's knowledge and artistic inspiration guide you toward deeper prosperity... while maintaining your spiritual connection.


Learn More About Pamela, Professional Vedic Astrologer

Pamela combines ancient Vedic wisdom with practical experience from decades in the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, offering a unique, grounded approach to astrology. Dedicated to empowering individuals with deep insights into their birth charts, her practice fosters personal growth and improved decision-making.

Clients appreciate her blend of practical expertise and astrological knowledge, often describing her intuitive, actionable advice as transformative in both career and personal spheres.

In her book "Vedic Astrology for Beginners", Pamela shares accessible teachings on the ancient art of Jyotish, enabling readers to navigate life's ups and downs with astrological guidance.

Ready for a transformative journey of self-discovery through the lens of Vedic astrology? Schedule a consultation with Pamela today and discover how her grounded, experienced approach can guide you towards greater clarity, purpose, and fulfillment. To learn more about Pamela and read client experiences, visit the reviews page.

Links to Valuable Resources on My Website

Don't forget to schedule a reading or check out my book for a deeper dive into Vedic astrology. Thank you for reading!


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