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May New Moon Horoscopes

Writer: Pamela McDonough Pamela McDonough

Please read your rising sign forecast and/or Moon sign forecast. Keep in mind the individual chart, planetary cycles and other transiting planets will also factor significantly into your personal experience!

Aries: May's new Moon is all about you! New Moon in the first house of self indicates that you are up for some changes! Whether it is inner or outer personal transformation (or maybe both!), this new Moon will be tremendously supportive of your efforts.

Money may also be on your mind as your chart ruler Mars is visiting the house of accumulated wealth during this new Moon phase. Set your intentions during the new Moon. Don't be impatient though, fiery Aries! Be sure to make your first installment for change just after the new Moon. (be sure to read part one of this article for ritual timing, intention and best times to begin new projects, and all about Bharani nakshatra energy!). The one and only Aries new Moon this year, so do take advantage of this powerful lunar phase in Bharani nakshatra .

Taurus: Be sure to take some down away from the fray during this new Moon in May! You may also want to set some future goals for meditation, mindfulness or possibly a far away retreat in a magical land. Or maybe you want to begin a pre-bedtime cleanse. Shut down your cell phone, lights out early and in bed by 10pm at the latest to support a restful nights sleep and an energetic day ahead. Pay close attention to dream land the night before, the night of, and the night after the full Moon! You may be getting messages from the ethers during this time that will prove to be very important over the next six months. (be sure to read part one of this article for ritual timing, intention and best times to begin new projects, and all about Bharani nakshatra energy!)

Mars is visiting Taurus for the first time in two years, so you there will be a lot of energy surrounding your objectives for this new Moon. With Saturn and Ketu influencing, work and your spiritual path may come up and both need your attention at this time!

Gemini: Dreaming of connecting more with like-minded friends or groups? Maybe you are going through a phase where you are outgrowing some of your long-time acquaintances and want to create new friendships? If so, this new Moon is just the ticket for you! Take time to contemplate your social circle; where you are now and where you would like to be in the next six months. This is an excellent time to cleanse your way through any friendships or groups you belong to that may be past their expiration date.

Time to forge new alliances that are interesting and supportive! (be sure to read part one of this article for ritual timing, intention and best times to begin new project, and all about Bharani nakshatra energy!). Think outside the box and really look at your option and contemplate your choices. Especially social or business related connections that might have spiritual quality. Or maybe its time to join a therapy group! Seize this fiery and cleansing Bharani new Moon energy to support your new Moon in May objectives.

Cancer: Moon is your chart ruler and all lunar phases have the potential to influence you strongly! This new Moon is no exception. Particularly since is occurring in the most influential area of your chart; the zone associated with name and fame, and career.

If you have been thinking about changing careers or putting yourself or you resume out there for a new job, this will be an excellent and supportive time to take action! (be sure to read part one of this article for ritual timing, intention and best times to begin new projects, and all about Bharani nakshatra energy!). With Mars moving through the zone of earnings from your work, you may be focused on a new position that has higher earning potential. Or if you are self employed you may be considering a rate increase. There is also a possibility that Mars will connect you with someone who can help you achieve your career goals. Networking will be very important in the week! Whatever the case, tap into this powerful Bharani new Moon energy at the peak of your horoscope!

Leo: Once a year, you have a new Moon in the life-zone associated with abundance, foreign travel, higher learning, teaching and spirituality, and the May new Moon is THE ONE!

This new Moon will light up your desire to learn, connect with the Divine and your dreams of a journey to an exotic foreign land. Take time to plan a vacation to a far away land for pleasure or for your personal spiritual growth. If foreign travel is not possible for you now, consider a weekend workshop instead. You might also be thinking about teaching something yourself, since Mars is in the area of your chart connected to your work. Saturn and Ketu can also help bring your dreams in to reality as they are in a supportive position to the new Moon. Your personal or business partner may be in a position to help you achieve your goals. Don't let this rare opportunity slip away! (be sure to read part one of this article for ritual timing, intention and best times to begin new projects, and all about Bharani nakshatra energy!)

Virgo: The area of your life connected to other peoples money is activated by this potent new Moon, which can include money from a partnership (business or personal relationship), inheritances, insurance payment, alimony or child support . If you have an impending dispute in one or more of these areas, this could be a terrific time to push forward with resolution! (be sure to read part one of this article for ritual timing, intention and best times to begin new projects, and all about Bharani nakshatra energy!)

And if you are studying any of the esoteric arts, like tarot, crystals, energy healing, sound healing or any other modality, this will be a powerful time to set your intentions for the next six months and how you want this part of you life to unfold. Particularly as it relates to teachings that you might be planning to offer.

Libra: Relationships been on your mind lately? If so, this new Moon will support your intentions for endings and/or new beginnings! Relationships in this context can either be business or personal, or both!

During the new Moon phase and the standards and shared values that you want to have going forward. Think about the qualities and experiences you have had in previous relationships (business and personal). Cleanse the old, no longer useful standards during the new Moon phase and begin anew once the Moon has begun to wax! (be sure to read part one of this article for ritual timing, intention and best times to begin new projects, and all about Bharani nakshatra energy!) Remember, this new Moon only energizes this important relationship house once a year. Especially important for Libra rising or Libra Moon people since this lifetime is so focused on relationships!

Scorpio: Your day to day routines and your daily work is being highlighted at this new Moon. Also anything to do with habits; connected to food, or discipline. your spiritual practice. Any habit you want to rid yourself of or cleanse, do it during the new moon phase.

Start new daily routines or habits once the new Moon has began to wax (be sure to read part one of this article for ritual timing, intention and best times to begin new projects, and all about Bharani nakshatra energy!). There is tremendous support for you during this time and it is your once in a year chance to make the changes you may have only been dreaming about up to this point!

Sagittarius: More joy, more entertainment and more fun is headed your way! You may have felt like the last couple of years that hard work and responsibilities has made life pretty mundane. All of that is about to change!

During the new Moon phase consider what brings you joy. Is it your children, expressing your creativity, enjoying a good soccer game or maybe a romantic dinner and a movie? Set your intentions to clean out unnecessary tasks to create space and time in your life for you and your loved ones. (be sure to read part one of this article for ritual timing, intention and best times to begin new projects, and all about Bharani nakshatra energy!) You only get one shot at this area of your life with the new Moon energy so use it wisely!

Capricorn: If you have been considering a remodel, an addition to your home or maybe a move, this new Moon energy will be in the perfect, supportive location! Any intentions that you want to set during this once-in-a-year astrological influence to the chart zone associated with home are fully supported at this time.

The influence is not just limited to your physical home, but also to your internal home-zone; your heart, intuition and deepest personal happiness. Be sure to connect to the cleansing energy of this influence and contemplate the things that no longer bring peace and contentment to your life. Haul out the old first during the new Moon phase and then bring in the new once the Moon has shifted to waxing (be sure to read part one of this article for ritual timing, intention and best times to begin new projects, and all about Bharani nakshatra energy!).

Aquarius: May has the potential bring a super busy month for you! You could be hopping around from place to place; short travels for a holiday or just running errands or doing work in different parts of your city or within the US, even though a big part of you may feel like staying home!.

This new Moon will also be super supportive for any writing, marketing or communication that you have in the works. If you have been contemplating starting a blog, an article to be published or possibly a book, this new Moon is an excellent time to clear the decks! Use the cleansing energy of Bharani to clear your calendar and set time aside to make it happen. Then be sure to begin your new project once the Moon begins to wax. This is a one a year chance to make change in this part of your life! (be sure to read part one of this article for ritual timing, intention and best times to begin new projects, and all about Bharani nakshatra energy!).

Pisces: Wealth and assets are in focus at this new Moon. This is a fantastic time to consider your headway regarding your savings, or if you are not in the financial position that you would like to be, consider where you want to be. Take the purification energy associated with Bharani nakshatra and get your expenses cut down to the necessities! Saturn and Ketu are in a supportive position to get real and get down to the basics!

Once the Moon shifts to waxing (be sure to read part one of this article for ritual timing, intention and best times to begin new projects, and all about Bharani nakshatra energy!) you can put your plans into place. Also keep in mind that assets may not just be connected to monetary wealth. Consider family particularly when you are thinking about what you value and where you might need to make some additional deposits, metaphorically speaking.

*Schedule a reading with Pamela if you want a detailed reading of this Mercury retrograde influence in your life!


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