January's new Moon may be one of the most important new Moons of 2020! Here's why:
The new Moon in Capricorn arrives just one day after Saturn glides into Capricorn for the first time since 1990!
This Capricorn new Moon will have the full support of Saturn in his own sign and the results will benefit a specific house in your birth chart.
The house that Capricorn represents in your birth chart is about to get a major boost!
That said - disruptive Uranus in fiery Aries is newly direct and is closely influencing this new Moon which can create some instability in the usually grounded and earthly Capricorn. Uranus will be encouraging you to break through the boundaries, especially related to your emotional state and new beginnings related to this sign and house in your horoscope. Breakthroughs are amazing but sometimes can be simultaneously painful.
Take it slow sisters and brothers! Remember we are talking about Saturn here!
Capricorn is related to:
* Saturn * Karma * Hard work * Career * Earth element * Movable nature
My Capricorn rising friends - this lunation is a five-star opportunity for you! Do not let this special new Moon in Capricorn go to waste.
If your rising sign, Sun, Moon or chart ruler is between 10-12 Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo, this new Moon will have special meaning for you!
Or if you have any other planets in Shravana nakshatra, this could be quite a magical new Moon for you! Be sure to read your new Moon horoscope to determine which area of life may be disrupted at this time!
Schedule a reading with Pamela to find out how this new Moon and other important planetary movements will influence you during 2020!
For all other rising signs, the house that Capricorn represents in your birth chart does connect to a very specific area of your life. Don't miss your horoscope with all the details.
New Moon Horoscopes by Sign
Newsletter subscribers are the first to have access to the new and full Moon forecast and horoscopes. Read your new Moon horoscope here!
I shifted to a monthly horoscope in the new year and the new Moon forecast is clearly marked for each sign! Just scroll down to the "New Moon January 24" section that is in bold.
Your horoscope for the month of February (and all other future months) will posted on first of each month! So, check back on my site on February 1 also. I will send a reminder email to my subscribers for the first few months, as we all adjust to the new forecast calendar.
New Moon in Shravana Nakshatra

SHRAVANA “TO HEAR” Degrees: 10°00' CAPRICORN - 23°20' CAPRICORN Deity: Vishnu Symbol: The Three Footsteps of Trivikrama, and the Ear
Shakti: The Power of Connection of All Things Quality: Movable VD Planetary Period Lord: Moon
Shravana nakshatra and the new Moon energy is good for:
▪ Teaching and learning * Giving and receiving counsel ▪ Listening - both internally and externally ▪ Creating or Producing Music ▪ New Beginnings * Travel
Best Timing for New Moon Rituals

BEST TIMING FOR NEW MOON RITUAL BEGINNINGS: January 24 PDT 1:42 p.m. PDT through January 25 2:59 p.m. PDT.
New Moon Phase begins: January 23, 12:47 p.m. PDT New Moon Phase ends: January 24, 1:41 p.m. PDT
New Moon Intention

"With this new Moon in Shravana I attune myself to listen to the sounds that emanate from Universal Consciousness and from my heart center. From this awareness I will set my intentions for Saturn in Capricorn. These intentions will support slow and steady progress and my hard work over the next three years. "

“This book bridges an extremely critical gap in the understanding of Jyotisha: the gap between the ancient encryptic words of the seers and the contemporary way of understanding subjects in the modern world. Pamela makes this rather difficult subject relevant and approachable. A must read and must have for every student of Vedic sciences.” ―Souvik Dutta, guru & founder, Ancient Indian Astrology Classes
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Sidereal Forecasts
This is just a reminder for those who are new to my new and full Moon forecasts and other articles -- my forecasts are created using the sidereal zodiac calculations. Your rising sign, and other planets in your birth chart will usually (but not 100% of the time) shift signs back one from your tropically calculated horoscope. If you do not know your sidereal rising sign - click here and enter your birth information. otherwise click on the button below that corresponds with your rising sign.

New Moon January 24, 2020
The new Moon on January 24 will be a fantastic new Moon in Capricorn for you to set your career intentions for 2020! The first new Moon of the decade just happens to occur in the most powerful house of your horoscope! To top it all off Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, will have just slipped into its own sign and the same sign/house as the full Moon only one day before! Saturn will be in full support of your new year’s intentions regarding your career and income.
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
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Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.

New Moon January 24, 2020
The January new Moon will be in full support of your intentions in these same areas of life, since the first new Moon of the year will be in Capricorn with Saturn, too! Unpredictable Uranus may have some surprises in store for you on or around the new Moon so stay tuned for some unexpected developments that may occur – maybe a an unplanned trip to a foreign land, or a an opening that comes up at the last minute for a workshop or course you wanted to take and thought was closed to registration.
Be sure to set your intentions because this new Moon in Shravana nakshatra could not be BETTER for ninth house matters and teaching/learning! This is the ONLY new Moon in your ninth house this year, do not miss it!
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
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Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.

New Moon January 24, 2020
The icing on the cake is that the new Moon in Shravana nakshatra in the sign of Capricorn is just one day after Saturn goes into Capricorn. Set your intentions. Saturn will be there in support of the new Moon energies, bolstering his own sign. Your ruler Mercury will also be in Capricorn during the new Moon and emphasizes the importance of the new Moon. My Gemini astrologer, tarot, crystal loving friends, this is a major bonus since it is occurring in the eighth house! This is the only new Moon in this sign and house for the year so make good use of it.
Unconventional Uranus is influencing the new Moon too, so don’t be surprised if there is some news surrounding occult knowledge, inheritances, your partners assets, longevity or possibly an outstanding insurance settlement.
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
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Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.

New Moon January 24, 2020
The new Moon in Capricorn comes one day after Saturn enters Capricorn, setting the stage for you to set your intentions around relationships for the new year ahead. It doesn’t matter whether or not you are in a relationship – if you are, set your intentions for what you want to manifest in your relationship. More harmony? Romance? Whether you are or are not currently in a committed partnership, then you can use this new Moon energy and the ingress of Saturn into Capricorn to set your intentions for what you want in a new relationship.
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
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Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.

New Moon January 24, 2020
The first new Moon of the year just happens to take place in Capricorn, and on the day after Saturn moves into Capricorn! What terrific timing! This new Moon will give you the opportunity to set your intentions for your work during the new year and will be fully supported by the ruler of the sign Saturn. Such a rare occurrence – be sure to take advantage of this new Moon in Capricorn in Shravana nakshatra. It’s a beauty!
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.

New Moon January 24, 2020
The first new Moon of the year and it just happens to take place in Capricorn, which is the same sign that Saturn just moved into the day before! What beautiful synchronicity! Saturn newly in Capricorn AND a fabulous new Moon in the same sign to support your new year intentions for romance, creativity, children and investments. This is the only new Moon in this area of your birth chart for the next year! Do not miss setting intentions for the year, especially since Saturn is in the house, literally!
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.

New Moon January 24, 2020
As if that wasn’t enough good news – the first new Moon of the year is in Capricorn, the same sign and zone of your birth chart that Saturn moved into the day before! This is the part of your birth chart that relates to how much peace of mind you have, your home, property and real estate, your intuition and mother. Any of these things sound important to you? Yes?!! This the ONLY new Moon this year in your fourth house and Capricorn, and the one time you have to set intentions that are fully supported by the new Moon AND Saturn, the ruler of the sign.
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
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Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.

New Moon January 24, 2020
The new Moon also happens to fall in your third house, with Saturn having just moved into Capricorn and the third house the day before. Anything you want to set your intentions for this first new Moon of 2020 related to writing, communication, relationship with siblings or gathering courage for any of these matters, this is the only new Moon of the year in this area of your chart! Take full advantage of this beautiful Moon in Sharavana nakshatra and set your intentions.
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
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Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.

New Moon January 24, 2020
Whatever your objectives are for second house matters as I mentioned above, this new Moon is in full support! The first new Moon of the year occurs in the sign Capricorn where Saturn just moved into the day prior to the new Moon. You only get one new Moon (usually) per sign, so be sure to set your intentions for your second house since the house ruler Saturn will be there with the new Moon and will be ready and waiting to offer support for your intentions, efforts and hard work.
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
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Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.

New Moon January 24, 2020
The new Moon takes place in Capricorn only a day after Saturn moves into Capricorn! This is a double influence to supporting intentions related to you and your physical wellness. Remember that new Moons only come around once per sign, per year, so please do not let this one pass you by without setting your intentions.
The only wild card in the mix is that unpredictable Uranus will be in a push-pull relationship to the new Moon. Uranus is influencing from your fourth house of home and mother, so there may be some unexpected repairs at home, changes to a lease or something may come up with your mother to give a few examples.
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.

New Moon January 24, 2020
To further emphasize the subconscious mind and your spiritual path, the first new Moon of the decade will also occur in the sign of Capricorn, with Saturn in your twelfth house. This is will be a beautiful time to set your intentions around twelfth house matters. Electrifying Uranus is in aspect to the new Moon though so some surprises may be in store for you. Possibly a memory might surface that you had long forgotten, or you may get some significant messages in your dreams.
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.

New Moon January 24, 2020
The new Moon underlines the 11th house for you – all of the areas of life that I just mentioned since the new Moon is in Capricorn with Saturn, who just slipped into his own sign just one day before. This is a once a year opportunity for you to set your intentions for your salary or money you earn as an entrepreneur. It is also positive energy for you to broaden your social and business networks in support of your financial objectives. Unpredictable Uranus is in the mix though, so be sure not to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Schedule a consultation with Pamela
Want new and full Moon forecasts delivered to your inbox twice monthly? Click here
Please note: This is a sidereal forecast based upon the system of Vedic astrology. If you do not know your rising sign, you can order a birth chart and your planetary cycle information here.